User�s Guide to GoodTech GTTerm



This help documents GTTerm V5.0.

If you do not find the information you need here, please e-mail any questions you have to

GTTerm is a trademark of GoodTech Systems, Inc.


        Easy installation

        User preferences

        Telnet protocol support, including to a specific port

        Rlogin protocol support, including to a specific port

        SSH protocol support, SSH2 only.

        Easy reconnect on connect abort and close

        Client printing support

        Can open unlimited windows for multiple connections

        Scrollback buffer

        Supports VT (100 to 400) and Ansi emulation

        User-defined foreground and background colours

        Configurable number of rows and columns

        Ability to select separate fonts

        ANSI color

        Different cursor styles and support for customizing cursor color

        Support fordifferent characters sets

        VT keyboard emulation

        Copy and paste support

Telnet with GTTerm

1.      Click on File, Connect, Telnet

2.      Type the host (server) name or IP address into the "Hostname or IP" field

3.      Change the port if it's different than the default (23)

Rlogin with GTTerm

1.      Click on File, Connect, Rlogin

2.      Type the host (server) name or IP address into the "Hostname or IP" field

3.      Change the port if it's different than the default (513)

SSH with GTTerm

1.      Click on File, Connect, SSH

2.      Type the host (server) name or IP address into the �Hostname or IP� field

3.      Change the port if it�s different than the default (22)

4.      Type the username/password in the Username/Password fields

File Menu

Connect, New window

Open another GTTerm Window.

Connect, Telnet

Displays the Telnet Connect dialog.

In the Hostname field put the name or IP address of the host you wish to connect to.

The default port for Telnet session is 23. You can change this number if your Telnet Server is listening on a different port number.

Connect, Rlogin

Displays the Rlogin Connect dialog.

In the Hostname field put the name or IP address of the host you wish to connect to.

In the Username field put the name of the user that you want to use in order to authenticate your self.

The default port for Rlogin session is 513. You can change this number if your Rlogin Server is listening on a different port number.

Rlogin client uses local port between 900 to 1023. In some cases when the Rlogin session is aborted abnormally, you might get an error message that the �Addess is already in use�. In this case you can change the local port field, and use a different number.

Connect, SSH

Displays the SSH Connect dialog.

In the Hostname field put the name or IP address of the host you wish to connect to.

In the Username/Password fields put the name of the user and password that you want to use in order to authenticate your self.

The default port for SSH session is 22. You can change this number if your SSH Server is listening on a different port number.


Disconnects a connected session. This option is only available when you are connected.


Closes the current window.

Edit Menu

Clear Scrollback

Clears the terminal�s scrollback buffer.

Reset terminal

Causes a full reset of the terminal emulation. You can use this option when printed characters become unreadable. This option is only available when you are connected.

Full Screen

Switch between Full screen and default screen size


Tools Menu

Settings, Terminal

Opens the Terminal settings dialog.


Line wrap � If �line wrap is selected�, lines longer than the current display are wrapped to the next line.

Line warap is selected by default.

New line mode � If �New line mode� is selected, pressing the Enter key sends both CR and LF. By default this option is turned off.

Blinking text � If �Blinking text� is selected, blinking text will be diaplyed. By default this option is turned off.

Local echo � If �Local echo� is selected, user input is echoed to the screen. By default this option is disabled.

Close window on disconnect � If �Close window on disconnect� is selected, disconnecting the session will also close the current window. By default this option is disabled.

Clear window on disconnect � If �Clear window on disconnect� is selected, disconnecting the session will also clear the current display and keep the current window open. By default this option is disabled.


Backspace sends delete � If �Backspace sends delete� is selected, the delete character is sent when pressing on the backspace key. By default this option is disabled.

Function keys and keypad - This option affects the function keys (F1 to F12) and the top row of the numeric keypad. The default mode is CSI. CSI uses the general behaviour of DEC terminals.

In VT100 mode, the function keys generate ESC OP through to ESC O[

In VT400 mode, all the function keys behave like the default mode, but the actual top row of the numeric keypad generates ESC OP through to ESC OS.

In Linux mode, F6 to F12 behave just like the default mode, but F1 to F5 generate ESC [[A through to ESC [[E.

In SCO mode, the function keys F1 to F12 generate ESC [M through to ESC [X. Together with shift, they generate ESC [Y through to ESC [j. With control they generate ESC [k through to ESC [v, and with shift and control together they generate ESC [w through to ESC [{.

Keypad cursor keys:

In Normal mode (Default mode), the arrow keys send ESC [A through to ESC [D.

In Application mode, the arrow keys send ESC OA through to ESC OD.

Keypad numeric keys:

In Normal mode, the keypad behaves like a normal Windows keypad: with NumLock on, the number keys generate numbers, and with NumLock off they act like the arrow keys.

In Application mode, all the keypad keys send control sequences.

Remote printing:

This option is disabled by default. If you wish to print a file from your remote session locally on your one of your printers, select the printer name from the list of printers.


This option lets you change the way bell behaviour. By default bell is enabled. If visial bell is selected, the screen is momentarily switched to reverse video. You can also disable bell completely.

To get changes you made in effect, click on the Apply button.

To cancel changes you made, click on the Cancel button.


Settings, Window

Opens the Window settings dialog


Window Size � Displays the current window size. You can also change the size of the window by changing the Rows and Columns. By using the mouse you can also change window size.

Scrollback buffer � Changes the size of the scrollback buffer. The default size is 200 lines.


Cursor style � Choose between Block, Unerline and Vertical bar. Defualt to Block cursor.

Blinking � Selecting this option will cause the cursor to blink.


Window title � Sets the current Window title


Displays the current font selected for the session.

You can change the font by clicking on the �New Font� button.

For Windows emulation, it is recommended to useTerminal font.


Changes default colours for forground, background, bold forground, bold background, cursor and cursor text. To change colours click on the �Change� button.

Character translation:

You can select from different character sets in order to display special characters correctly.

For Windows session, it is recommended to use �Font encoding�.

To get changes you made in effect, click on the Apply button.

To cancel changes you made, click on the Cancel button.


Load settings

Open the load settings dialog.

Loads saved settings for the current session.


Save settings

Opens the Save settings dialog.

If you want to save your current settings for future use, use this dialog and save your current settings to a file.


Help Menu

Help topics

Opens the Help dialog


About GTTerm

Opens the About dialog.

Displays the current GTTerm version.