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Welcome to GoodTech Systems

The leading provider of connectivity products for remote access and file transfer.

About Us

At GoodTech Systems: Our Company Overview, our core expertise lies in delivering high-quality network software solutions that empower businesses worldwide.

We specialize in providing feature-rich, cost-effective products that are trusted by thousands of customers across the globe. Our solutions are renowned for their simplicity (because great software should be easy to use) and exceptional performance (because speed matters).

Our flagship product, the award-winning Telnet Server family, is designed to run seamlessly across all platforms from the very first setup, offering businesses a secure and efficient remote access solution.

This powerful tool is utilized for various applications, including remote administration, radio frequency (RF) handheld connectivity, remote host resource sharing, SAPConsole connectivity, and much more. Its versatility makes it adaptable to any business need.

Simply put, our products are the essential tools that every business needs to ensure secure and efficient operations.


Explore the Details

Telnet Server for Windows XP/2008/2012/7/8/10

Turns a Windows system into a multi-user Telnet server. Offers full access to the Windows command line and supports a variety of character-based applications.

  • Full access to Windows command line.
  • Supports various character-based applications.
  • Multi-user environment for secure, remote access.

Telnet Server for Windows 95/98/Me

Turns a Windows 95/98/Me system into a multi-user Telnet server. Offers full function keys, color, and graphic support for Telnet users.

This version of GoodTech's Telnet Server provides an easy-to-use solution for legacy systems, enabling them to act as multi-user Telnet servers with full access to system functions and rich user interface features.

FTP Server for Windows XP/2008/2012/7/8/10

Turns a Windows system into an FTP server, supporting a wide range of FTP clients for seamless file sharing over the internet or intranet.

  • Seamless file sharing with FTP clients.
  • Robust, secure FTP server for Windows environments.
  • Supports a variety of FTP protocols for secure file transfers.

SSH Server for Windows XP/2008/2012/7/8/10

Offers secure remote access with features like Remote Console, File Transfer, and Port Forwarding. Runs as a service on Windows systems.

  • Secure SSH access for remote systems management.
  • File transfer support for secure operations.
  • Port forwarding for enhanced network security.
Testimonials Background



"Your telnet server for win2k is the best one I found and I really tried."

Brian Herring


"Your Telnet Server has proven to be one method of solving connection to the old DOS regime... Must say all was very easy to get up and going. Thumbs up!"



"Congrats on putting together a really nice telnet server...Your server is definitely at the top of the heap."

Daniel Tone


"It is rare to see someone develop a product that's spot on target... you are definitely up there. Great job on Telnet Server for Win NT."


Reach out to us for inquiries, support, or feedback!